出版者的話PUBLISHERS' NOTE This present book is a classic among the various works of Swami Sivananda: for it contains the teachings and experiences of the ancient seers and sages. Rendered in a simple and lucid style by profuse explanations and commentaries, through the forceful and inimitable pen 網路行銷of the illustrious author and Sage of the Himalayas, this book is a guiding light for all the seekers on the spiritual path. The teachings of this book have their basis on direct experiences of the Sage-author. It is due to this reason that every word, every sentence of this marvelous book enters right 關鍵字排名into the heart of the reader and has a message to transform his life. It is an inspiration to strengthen his steps to God-realization. May this book be an inspiration and light unto all. May the blessings of His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj illumine your path. 2nd July, 1993 酒店經紀 -THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY 出版者的話 本書包含了古代先知和聖哲們的教誨和經驗,是施化難陀尊者的經典著作之一。以一種簡單而清晰的方式呈現出豐富的解說和註釋,透過喜馬拉雅山大成就者與聖人獨特有力的筆,使這本書成為在靈性道路上每一位追求者的指路明燈。 本書的教誨根基於聖哲和大成就者們的直接經酒店工作驗。正是由於這個原因,這本奇書中的每一個詞,每一句話都具有觸動心弦,轉換讀者生命的信息;鼓勵並加強他們領悟上帝的腳步。 願這本書成為激勵所有道上行者的明燈,願大醫王師利希瓦難陀尊者神聖的祝福照亮你們的道路。 1993年7月2日  聖潔生命酒店打工

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